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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Testimony Tuesday: My Cup Overflows

Happy Tuesday!

I hope your week is off to a great start. If it isn't, I hope that starting right now your week starts looking up :)

Sometimes as I sit on my couch reading, writing this post, or watching TV, I often quick look around and every part of my house there is a gift from someone, a memory, or something I was able to purchase on my own. Although they are just "things"- I see God's protection, blessings, love and favor. 

When looking at the things that are gifts, I see the people that love me. The people that wanted to make my house a home. To take one more stress off my shoulders. One less worry out of my mind.

When looking at things that bring back memories or looking at the pictures that have captured a moment, I see how God has blessed me with wonderful people and the ability to have joyous memories that will stay in my heart and mind forever. How he has blessed me with so much good. It's amazing that one memory can bring chuckles back for a lifetime or can make your heart melt all over again.  
Like when I look at pictures of my dogs that have passed away ( I loved them so dearly) I laugh and cry at the same time because they brought such laughter, they melted my heart daily, but I miss them all the time. I love continually keeping them in remembrance.

When looking at the things I was able to purchase on my own, I am reminded of how much God has blessed me financially- enough to supply what I need and what I desire. How He has blessed me abundantly. I think of the people that do not have as much as me and how grateful I am for all God has given me. It keeps my heart humble in knowing that since I am blessed, I am called to bless others. 

It's such a blessing to open up the cupboards and be able to choose what glass I want to use. Or to be able to turn the facet on to warm water that never stops. It's such a blessing to have a home that stays at 72 degrees. It's such a blessing to have a working full fridge and a pantry filled with food. It's such a blessing to have light all around my house, blinds to keep the night outside, and a roof to keep me safe. It's such a blessing to have a bed with freshly washed sheets and a fluffy pillow. To have different versions of the Bible that I can choose to read from. It's a blessing that I get to share my home with my friends and family. It's a blessing to be able to choose when I want quiet time and when I want my house to be filled with noise. It's such a blessing to sit on my couch and hear the words "I love you" from a loved one. 

I am so blessed. I am blessed to be able to bless and to continue to bless. 

God's blessings are everywhere I look. Yet another blessing. Constant reminders of His love, His mercy, His grace and His faithfulness. His protection, His patience, and His helping hand. 

I serve a mighty God. I find no fault in Him. He is my ultimate blessing.

"My cup overflows with your blessings." Psalm 23:5

"Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven. Whose sin is covered."


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