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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

FAB: Fashion & Business

Hey Everyone!

The board members for the University of Minnesota's FAB: Fashion & Business group have been announced! FAB is a great student group to get involved in if you love fashion and love business. Check it out at!think/ about joining because we have a lot in store for everyone this year with a rapid growing membership. Also, Summer isnt quite over yet, so check out the summer issue of FAB Magazine! Its really great. If you are interested in joining FAB or getting more information, you can contact myself, Aisha, at or go to the website above!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Back to School 2011 Trends

Hey! So this week I want to focus on back to school trends. Do's, Dont's and all the in betweens. Ill share links from different sites on great articles you can use if searching for advice, like this one from TLC! . This tells you about the 5 new back to school trends. Enjoy!