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Monday, September 22, 2014

God's Dreams Are Bigger

Happy Monday, Everyone!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Per usual, the weekend was much needed for me. I thank God for weekends with no "must do" plans. It allows me to sleep in,  take my time, and go with the flow! 

It was a great weekend spending time with loved ones. It was an all together great weekend. 

One thing that stuck with me this weekend was from something I heard at church. The pastor said "God's dreams are bigger than our dreams."

I sometimes forget about that. I often look at my situation and lose sight of the fact that whatever my dreams are, God's dreams for me are far above that. 

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think."- Ephesians 3:20

As often as I hear that scripture, I often don't apply it to my everyday life! I look at where I am, get discouraged if I feel I am not where I am supposed to be, and just get into a negative thought spiral instead of keeping my eyes on Jesus knowing He can do above anything I can imagine, in His perfect timing.

I have been down and out about work- it has been stressing me out- but this weekend at church reminded me that God's dreams for me are bigger than my own, He is concerned with every part of my life, and He sure didn't bring me this far to fail me. 

The enemy will try to discourage us with anything he can. Whether if it's to tell us we will never be as good as others, we will never get promoted, or we won't reach our goals- we have to remember they are ALL LIES! 

He has really been trying to get me to believe that I am incapable of being good at my job. But being reminded of God's dreams for me helped me remember that I can do all things through Christ! I have a secret weapon- & that's the creator of ALL things!

By knowing what God's will is for me, it keeps peace in my heart, my eyes on Him, and helps me stay confident in who I am and what my purpose is. 

I am so thankful for Him because He always knows what we need when we need it.
He will never give us more than we can take. It's such a blessing to know we have a Father that will never leave us or forsake us.

I start my week feeling comforted, renewed, and at peace. I am so happy to be in the hands of My Mighty Savior. With Him is where I feel absolutely safe.

God told me to meditate on scripture that reminds me of His will for us. So I decided I want to share it with you, too, so you can be reminded on how much God loves you, how much He cares about every little thing in your life, and how there is no need to worry because we are all in good hands!

Have a great Monday!



  1. You are always so encouraging and uplifting! I love your posts, always positive regardless of what you are going through. Can I have that bag though? Lol

    1. Thanks girl, that's encouraging to hear! :) Haha! you can borrow it ;)


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