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Thursday, September 25, 2014

#LYLS Thursday Linkup// Let Me Pray For You!!

Happy Thursday Everyone!

I have been starting to dive into doing my own artwork for my home/ office/etc. I am still just learning the ropes but I made my first one above! I am excited to print it off at hang it up in a cute picture frame!

There is a song I LOVE that I want to share with you today, too (it inspired me to do my artwork!). It is my favorite song right now. I love the meaning of the song, the lyrics.. well pretty much everything about it. 

The lyrics of the chorus are:

I'd love like I'm not scared
Give when it's not fair 
Live life for another
Take time for a brother
Fight for the week ones
Speak out for freedom
Find faith in the battle
Stand tall but above it all
Fix my eyes on You

I love it because they are a true definition of how we can be ambassadors for Christ. In the song, it talks about how if they could turn back time knowing what they know now, they would do all of the above. Isn't that the truth??!

It also says:
It take a soldier who knows his orders
to walk the walk I'm supposed to walk

I love that because a life following Christ isn't always easy, but there is so much honor and reward. It takes a lot of strength, compassion and willingness to not only to be a soldier for Christ, but also doing all the above chorus says. 

This song is such a great reminder of who Christ is and how we are supposed to be. The things of this world dim when Christ is the center of your attention. 

It makes me want to jump for joy and thank the Lord for all He is and has done and also pray that He continue to help me do all of the above. 

I also want to pray for you! 
I am going to say a quick prayer for you but if you are desiring prayer, 
please email me at 

It would be an honor and privilege to pray for you.

Dear Heavenly Father, 
What an honor and privilege it is to serve you! I thank you, Lord, for being the perfect example for us and for your ultimate sacrifice so we can live in freedom and in peace. I pray Jesus that you help us be better ambassadors for you- help us with our struggles, and forgive us for missteps we have taken in our journey. I pray Lord that you give us strength to love without fear, give freely, fight for the weak ones, speak out for freedom, and take time for our brothers and sisters. But above it all, help us continue to keep our eyes on you Lord as you direct our paths. I pray that you place your healing hands on those who are hurting and need healing- fill them with your love Jesus so they may know you are always with them- no matter what comes their way. Help them fix their eyes on you and build their faith so they can have peace and know who holds their life and future. I thank you, Lord, for always fighting for us and keeping us during tribulation. You are a glorious Savior. I thank you for your precious mercy and never ending grace.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

I hope you have a wonderful Thursday! 

Today is Let Your Light Shine Thursday!

You know what time it is, let that beautiful light shine!
Each week we appreciate those of you who come by to share your posts on fashion, beauty, faith, love, and all the in between.

Our feature for this week is Elizabeth at Oaks and Oats!

Last week Elizabeth posted about a great site called Stitch Fix that helps style your wardrobe and sends you the clothes to try and buy that they believe you will like! It's a great way to build a wardrobe!

Thanks again for all of you who participated! Now it's time to link up again :)

1. Link up your favorite post this week - It can be related to faith, fashion, food, family, or whatever else you would like to share that helped you shine your light from the week!
Don't worry if you don't have a blog to link up - just leave a comment with how you let your light shine this week!

2. Follow I'm Perfectly Human & True Soul & Spirit on Bloglovin, or any other social media outlet (FB, Twitter, Instagram, or GFC)

3. Link back by using the button above or your own link.

4. Visit other blogs and meet new blogger friends!

Each week we will be choosing our favorite posts to feature and share with you all!

Let Your Light Shine Thursdays


All comments are welcome! I appreciate them so much! Thanks for tuning in and showing love! <3