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Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Power of Grace//#LetYourLightShine Thursday Link-Up!

Monday. I wake up feeling good knowing "I am the righteousness of God in Christ." (2 Corinthians 5:21)
Tuesday. I wake up feeling good telling myself "I am the righteousness of God in Christ".
Wednesday.  I am tired. The work week is weighing down on me. I am playing back the sins I committed in my head. Trying to remember "I am the righteousness of God in Christ."
Thursday. I am asking myself "How am I the righteousness of God in Christ if I continually make mistakes and sin?"

I think this pattern happens to a lot of us. We may have something that reminds us of God's love for us and how no sin can come between us and our Savior because of what Christ did for us on the cross .(Hallelujah!!)

But as the week goes on, our reminder may fade as the world creeps in.

I am here to remind myself and you that you are still indeed, no matter what your sin, the righteousness of God in Christ. Nothing we do can separate us from the grace and love of God. (Romans 8:38) Jesus shows us grace each and everyday with new mercies for us.

The power of grace has overcome any sin.

If you sinned earlier this week or last night or this morning or even just a minute ago, Christ is still looking at your with love and grace. He is waiting for us to turn back to Him so He can make all of our paths straight again. What a wonderful Redeemer.

Knowing God's Grace can help us:
1) Have boldness to live in Christ. We don't have to shy away because our mistake and failures.
2) Peace for today.
3) Hope for tomorrow.

Grace is powerful. Remember, we have it everyday!

If you are like me and struggle with understanding the extent of God's grace sometimes, some of these things help me:
1) Going to church mid- week.
2)Bible studying with friends or alone.
3) Listening to sermons on grace (Joseph Prince has some good ones!)
4) Pray. Sometimes if I just pray and ask God to show me His grace in the midst of my struggles, it gives me an unspoken peace.

Lets welcome today with 

Let Your Light Shine Thursday!

You know what time it is, let that beautiful light shine!
Each week we appreciate those of you who come by to share your posts on fashion, beauty, faith, love, and all the in between.

Today we are featuring a wonderful woman who love Christ with all she has. She is such an inspiration it shows through her blogging. Make sure to check out Cynthia @ Rose Colored Shades.

This particular post by her talks about how Jesus desires fellowship people and she goes in depth about the abundant life that comes from doing so. Make sure to check it out :)

1. Link up your favorite post this week - It can be related to faith, fashion, food, family, or whatever else you would like to share that helped you shine your light from the week!
Don't worry if you don't have a blog to link up - just leave a comment with how you let your light shine this week!

2. Follow Rooted in Salt & Made with Zeal on Bloglovin, or any other social media outlet (FB, Twitter, Instagram, or GFC)

3. Link back by using the button above or your own link.

4. Visit other blogs and meet new blogger friends!

Each week we will be choosing our favorite posts to feature and share with you all! So link up for your chance to be featured!!

Let Your Light Shine Thursdays


  1. It is so comforting to know that absolutely nothing can separate us from the grace and love of God. I am honored that you have featured this post. It has been so fulfilling to know Him deeper by studying His word that I just have to share it. ~Cynthia

  2. Powerful affirmations! Thanks for hosting this link up! T.

  3. The power of grace is wonderful. Great post and thanks for another awesome link-up!

    <3 Ada.

  4. Love this! When I'm feeling down, I listen Air 1. I'm Mormon, and none of the songs are Mormon, but I love that they are still Christian and I can still feel peace and the love of Christ and our Heavenly Father in them!


All comments are welcome! I appreciate them so much! Thanks for tuning in and showing love! <3