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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Roller Coaster of Life

We all go through it.


The hard times come and go followed by some good times and then something hard may happen again. 

Life is definitely a roller coaster ride. 

We all throw our hands up when we get to the peak of the ride of life, but what do we do when we are in the dips or bumpy parts of the ride? I typically scream and hold onto the coaster for dear life. 

Some of us keep our hands up. & that's good, you daring souls. Then there are those like me, who curl up, close their eyes, and wait for it to be over.

Which way should we really approach the dips and valleys of the roller coaster of life?

My opinion?

In Confidence.

Confidence that it will indeed be over soon, I will make it through, and that my life was built on a firm, sturdy foundation. 

It doesn't matter if you keep your hands raised high or if you may be one to curl into your seat like me. It matters that in your mind, you are confident you will make it through. That you trust that your life is in good hands. 

What to do I do while waiting for the hard times to subside? 

1] Pray. 
Although I approach the hard times in confidence, I pray to God to help me through it, to keep my strength and to not lose focus on the good things.

2] Really focus on those good things. 
It's SO easy to cloud your mind with negativity, ESPECIALLY during times of hardship, But for me, it is crucial to keep the good things flowing in my mind so I can remain confident I will make it out just fine. (Philippians 4:8, Galatians 5:22)

3] Don't do anything crazy. Don't jump off the roller coaster because you'll end up really regretting that. Instead just wait. 
Do the things above and wait. Wait in expectancy that I will indeed make it through so I can look back and realize I am in a way better place than before. Then I can approach the next dip on the coaster with even more confidence!

You know how I said your life was in good hands on the roller coaster of life? 
Well that's because, lucky us, Jesus is the controller of this ride. 



  1. Love this! I'm one who screams on the roller coasters lol. I always try to remember that life is full of ups and downs, but the bad times won't last forever and I'm never alone. Even on roller coasters, there is something keeping us safe and protecting us... the same can be said for life.

  2. Everyone relates to the journey of life differently. For me, after living in Colorado for 2 years I see life like a hike, there are easy sun filled parts of that hike and very low, cold and shadowy in the valley parts of it. God is my guide and my guard on this hike and I know when I can't go on He is there to support and lift me up.

  3. That is some great advice! I have a tendency to rush and take action (i.e. jumping off of the roller coaster). Waiting seems like a much better response!

  4. What a beautiful post. It's funny, it depends on the situation but sometimes I make too rushed a decision & sometimes I stall & drag my feet & take no action. I need to find a happy medium!

  5. Such great advice! I love this analogy!

  6. Wonderful advice, Aisha !

  7. I definitely needed this today, especially number 2. It is so easy to get caught up in the negative, when we should stop and look back at God and all the amazing things that He's doing in our lives. Great post.

  8. This is so true...I have seen too many people jump off at the first sign of trouble and I know they regreted that later!! God is in control!

  9. Focusing on the good things in life is so important!

  10. Good points! Keeping your eye on your blessings and having gratitude in your heart help you get through the dips. Have a great day!

  11. Yes, stay on the rollercoaster - don't jump off. I am the one in the front car with my hands high, eyes wide open. Haha! Bring it on!

  12. Love this!! Looking forward to most posts!

  13. Sometimes it can be so tempting to just jump off the rollercoaster, but you're right! Staying on and pushing through can bring about some of the best experiences.

  14. This is so true, sometimes its so tempting to just give in and think you're going down, but you have to be confident and know you're doing okay and going to make it!

  15. This was beautiful and perfect for my day! Sometimes, I want to fling myself off the roller coaster, but you are totally right. We just have to ride it out and have fun!! Thank you for this great post!

  16. I am glad it could help your day!

  17. I am so glad it came at a good time for you. That is so amazing! What a beautiful testimony :)

  18. It is so tempting to give in. But confidence is key!

  19. Thanks for stopping by Danie!

  20. Ha! You are a daring soul!

  21. Thanks for stopping by, Emily. I hope you are having a great week!

  22. We are in the best hands, for sure! :)

  23. Thank so for stopping by, Amanda!

  24. I am so glad this could help your day, Tara!

  25. Thanks, Hollie!

  26. I think we all struggle with that. It is definitely about finding that balance.

  27. Thanks, girl :)

  28. That's a great way of thinking about it too! A hike is probably very similar :)

  29. I totally agree, Tori!

  30. Weekends With WinterFebruary 27, 2015 at 3:12 PM

    Thank you for sharing how you handle lifes hurdles. I think when you realize we all go through the roller coaster that is life you realize that you're never quite as alone as you think.


All comments are welcome! I appreciate them so much! Thanks for tuning in and showing love! <3