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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

His Word Brought Me Through

Hey Everyone

Sorry I have been MIA the last few days. With Black Friday just around the corner, it's definitely scramble time here at work. You can say my life has been hectic!

This time of year is always great for me and bad for me. 

Its great because of the obvious reasons, you get to spend quality time with your family, take off some work, and reflect on what you are thankful for. 

But for me, it's a little different. Around this time a couple years ago, something tragic happened in my life. It is way too personal to discuss but this time every year, I can't help but think about it. I find myself getting in this mood around this time every year because it's in the back of my mind pretty much throughout November and December. Just a sensitive time, I guess. 

My close family will tell me thinking about it won't do anything but I feel it's my way of coping with it. Because it doesn't just remind me of what happened, it also reminds me how God brought me through it.

I remember I hung onto God's word like never before and eventually, I saw His word coming to pass it my life. When for a long time I thought I went through something tragic alone and afraid, I realized I was never alone, God was there with me.

People will make jokes to me and say "you are a bible thumper" or "you are such a Jesus freak" but I am because Jesus was there for me when no one else was. I am addicted to Him because He is the reason I got through it- I truly believe that. He was the one who healed my pain- and is still healing my pain. He comforted me when others didn't, or couldn't. It was after going through this that I realized Jesus deserved my all. 

When no one understood it, or understands it- Jesus does. 

& that is why I love Him with all of my heart. He paid the price for me and shows His love to me like no one else can. His Word brought me through. His promises and love is what kept me going and keeps me going. 

So this time of year can be tough, but it brings me back to remember of the time I met Jesus for the first time. And for that, I am truly thankful.

No matter what you go through, God is there with you. Hold onto His promises. 



  1. God is here with you... so true. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Much love and prayers for you as you remember a difficult time.

  3. Thanks for sharing! I'm sending love and prayers as well to help you through this tough time. I lost my very close grandfather in June and we share a birthday on Nov. I know the feeling. (Not that that is what you are going through. I just how it feels to be down when everyone around us is feeling up and in the spirit of the upcoming Holidays)

  4. Praying for you to find some peace during this difficult time.

  5. He will never leave you nor forsake you! Take comfort in knowing that He is close to those who are brokenhearted. I pray you will find joy in the coming season too!

  6. I think it's nice that you feel so close to Jesus. Hopefully his love will bring you peace this time of year.

  7. First I will say I love your shoes. Second I will tell you how perfect this post is. Jesus knows everything I have felt and thought. He has gone through it all. It is important to remember that.

  8. Hopefully you'll feel some peace at this time of year...and I love your outfit.

  9. I hope this season is filled with peace, healing, and a renewed well of joy!

  10. A Book Long Enough .November 25, 2014 at 9:16 PM

    Listen, I hope I don't offend you, but your family is wrong. The only way to heal from tragedy and grief is to process it, and allow yourself to feel it. It isn't easy and it takes great courage, but it's necessary. You're totally on the right track!

  11. Jesus is your strength. I love this quote you wrote, "When no one understood it, or understands it- Jesus does." This is so true. We went through cancer with my husband, and no one understood what we were going through with our emotions except for Jesus. He was our strength, the only way we made through that horrible time. My husband is doing wonderful now, but getting here takes time. Jesus and time will only heal. Here's praying for peace and hope for you.

  12. I love your outfit. And you are right, God is always with you!

  13. I can completely relate, this time of year is hard for me too, but I cling to God and good memories as much as possible! I wish you the best over this holiday season!

  14. God is always with you, he's your strength and will keep you going.

  15. oh Im so glad God helped you through...he'll give you strength and faith to keep going...

  16. Praise Him from whom all Blessings flow- there is nothing that can happen in your life that He can't get you through- rest in that.


All comments are welcome! I appreciate them so much! Thanks for tuning in and showing love! <3