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Thursday, November 20, 2014

#Dropthemask LYLS Thursday Link- Up!

Hey Everyone! 

Happy Thursday! I hope you week is going good! 

I have to tell you, I just love this month's topic! I have gotten so many responses from you and I appreciate your involvement! I love hearing about your honesty and triumphs on how you work on dropping the masks! It's truly so empowering. 

Today, I am opening about a mask I put on because I fear people may see my dad in me. 

Growing up, my dad was always a pretty harsh person. Not a lot of people liked him because he was very direct, stern, and sometimes aggressive. He also has a very bad temper. 

As I grew up, I realized I inherited that trait from him. 
I was the definition of an extremist when talking about anger. I either was cool and calm or raging upset with no filter.I was awful! 

Over the last couple years especially, I have worked so hard at taming that part of me (thanks to Jesus, I no longer have to struggle!). I have tried so hard even longer to not be like my dad. I did not want people to see him in me. 

I found myself putting on this mask with certain people that even though they may had upset me, I would keep a smile on my face and act like I wasn't effected by anything. I think to a certain extent that is good, BUT I started building up negative emotions towards people and at a certain point, I would blow up and my anger come out anyway!

I also think it started making certain people think they can say and do things to me because I wouldn't care or I wouldn't do anything about it.

So I have worked on removing that mask. I have tried letting people know when they have upset me and talked to them about it instead of just being angry or letting it build up. I realized that I was still being extreme! I either would say nothing or eventually blow up. Makes no sense right?!

So I have realized:

Multi- Masking is Soul Taxing!

The best thing to do is just be yourself, be honest, be open with communication, don't compare yourself and just be the best you can be. 

What mask are you dropping this week?

Let's drop the mask we so often put on and show people the real us- because we all have unique things we could share to help someone else.

Let's continue this conversation:

Hashtag #Dropthemask

Today is Let Your Light Shine Thursday!

You know what time it is, let that beautiful light shine!
Each week we appreciate those of you who come by to share your posts on fashion, beauty, faith, love, and all the in between.

Today we are sharing a post from Samantha at Godly Womanhood.
Her post in LYLS link up last week was about how we are made to love.
Its a quick, but powerful read, I highly suggest you take the time to read it today :)

1. Link up your favorite post this week - It can be related to faith, fashion, food, family, or whatever else you would like to share that helped you shine your light from the week!
Don't worry if you don't have a blog to link up - just leave a comment with how you let your light shine this week!

2. Follow I'm Perfectly Human & Made with Zeal on Bloglovin, or any other social media outlet (FB, Twitter, Instagram, or GFC)

3. Link back by using the button above or your own link.

4. Visit other blogs and meet new blogger friends!

Each week we will be choosing our favorite posts to feature and share with you all! So link up for your chance to be featured!!

Let Your Light Shine Thursdays

Linking up: WIWT, Treasure Tromp, Week's End

Follow me: Facebook || Instagram || Twitter || Pinterest 


  1. Great post - I, too, can wear a mask of hiding my anger in front of certain people and it just builds and explodes later. Something I'm always working on though.

  2. Great post. I love the honestly and how you managed to work trough it by communicating.

  3. Great post! Sometimes is can be very challenging to let people see the real us.

  4. Just came across your blog and I am so happy that I did. I love this post so much and it just speaks so much truth! Thank you for inspiring me to #dropthemask.

  5. Super cute link up. I am putting up a fashion post tomorrow. I will come back to link up.

  6. Anger is a first response for so many people, including me. I as well have had to work on this daily. It is not easy. With Jesus I have really been able to be a better example to my children. #dropthemask

  7. Thanks for sharing this Aisha. I think well struggle with personality traits that we don't like about ourselves. A quick temper is definitely one of the things that I need to work on myself. It's encouraging to hear how you've been able to overcome it thru Christ. Have a great weekend! ~Cynthia

  8. This is such a great subject to touch on. I feel like I am that way too and I let things slide until I get really upset and then it all blows up.

  9. I have many personality traits that I'm not super keen on and have worked hard on getting rid of them, or at least lessening them, as well

  10. Jen @ The Halfway HomemakerNovember 22, 2014 at 3:05 PM

    What powerful stuff. I like your ideas about dropping the mask, it has given me a lot to think about.

  11. Dropping the mask. Yes! You always have such inspiring posts.

  12. I can relate with this post incredibly much. I have struggled my whole life trying to drop my mask, and it has taken me 30 years to do so!

  13. Such great advice, babe! Needed to read this today. :)



All comments are welcome! I appreciate them so much! Thanks for tuning in and showing love! <3