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Thursday, November 13, 2014

#Dropthemask LYLS Thursday Link-Up: I want to be...

Hi Everyone!

I hope everyone is taking part in our #dropthemask campaign for the month. I love seeing everyone's tweets!

Today I want to unveil some parts of me that need working on. Do you ever have desires to be someone you don't think you are? Or you feel like that person is inside you but it doesn't always come out?

I want to share with some of you things I want to be.

1] I want to be a loving person. When people meet me, I want them to always say I showed them love because that's what Jesus did everywhere He went. But there are times when I don't always show love to people- especially with the people I love the most. I think it's probably because I am more comfortable with them so I feel I can speak my mind, but I want to learn how to always communicate in a loving and intentional way.

2] I want to be outgoing. I would say I am an overall peppy person, but many people call me a homebody. I don't like that. I own it but I wish I would be more willing to go out and do certain things. What kind of things are fun to do that don't have to involve drinking and partying?

3] I want to be fit. I struggle with weight. I have been watching my weight since I was a young age because part of my family are more prone to gain weight. I have found over time it's become extremely more difficult to maintain my weight. I just haven't found the thing that works for me the best.

4] I want to be an Proverbs 31 woman. There are so many things in the media these days that distort what a woman should look like, act like, be into, etc. & it does nothing but make us more insecure and doubt ourselves. Women have these big boobs and butts and small waists, they have the nose job to go with it and are portrayed as the perfect woman and praised for what they LOOK like. It gives men a false idea of what a real woman should look like, in my opinion, and it makes women live up to things they weren't meant to. I want to work harder at straying away from letting anything other than what God says I am effect me. 

Let's drop the mask we so often put on and show people the real us- because we all have unique things we could share to help someone else.

Let's start the conversation with

hashtag #Dropthemask


Today is Let Your Light Shine Thursday!

You know what time it is, let that beautiful light shine!
Each week we appreciate those of you who come by to share your posts on fashion, beauty, faith, love, and all the in between.

Today we are sharing a post from Katya at Life, KV Style.

Her post in LYLS link up last week caught my attention because let's admit, we are all trying to find the key to eating healthy!  This blog post of hers offers a fantastic tip on how to start your health journey and stay on it. Take a look!

1. Link up your favorite post this week - It can be related to faith, fashion, food, family, or whatever else you would like to share that helped you shine your light from the week!
Don't worry if you don't have a blog to link up - just leave a comment with how you let your light shine this week!

2. Follow I'm Perfectly Human & Made with Zeal on Bloglovin, or any other social media outlet (FB, Twitter, Instagram, or GFC)

3. Link back by using the button above or your own link.

4. Visit other blogs and meet new blogger friends!

Each week we will be choosing our favorite posts to feature and share with you all! So link up for your chance to be featured!!

Let Your Light Shine Thursdays

Linking up: WIWT, Treasure Tromp, Week's End

- A

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  1. A Book Long Enough .November 13, 2014 at 4:28 PM

    What a great idea ... I think women working together and showing that it's okay to be real only builds up the world, and the next generations.

  2. This is such a fun linkup - I'm so with you on #1 and #3 :)

  3. I hadn't ever heard of the Drop the Mask campaign. What a beautiful idea! I totally agree with #1 and 4!

  4. I like the idea of cutting one type of food at a time. Most of us aren't good with drastic diet changes!

  5. LIke the #dropthemask rally. Everyone hides behind a mask to some degree, it's our flawed human nature. Only God knows our heart and what is really behind the mask. Of course, #4 is a daily prayer!

  6. I never heard of drop the mask before but I love the story behind it. I love just being real and not trying to portray someone your not.

  7. I love the theme of authenticity here!

  8. Thank you! Make sure to tweet #dropthemask to be a part of it! :)

  9. Thanks! I know, it is definitely a flaw of ours!

  10. Thanks, Danielle! I hope you will link up if you haven't already!

  11. I agree! Thank you :)

  12. Great post! Thanks for sharing! :)

  13. I also wish I was a bit more outgoing! It would sure make my life easier at times ;)

  14. I love this idea! I think it all boils down to our identity -- who we believe we are, and WHOSE we know we are.

  15. I wish i could be more put going but i get stumped on it lol

  16. I am struggling with my mask. I don't let people see the hurt I feel inside because I can't find a job here in our new town. I try not to let people see my hurt and disappointment. it's so hard. I feel like if I was more outgoing then I wouldn't have this problem, or maybe I would. Thanks for encouraging honesty and dropping the mask.

  17. That MASK! I think that is something we all go through. I loved reading this post. Great tips. Great thoughts. Thanks for sharing!

  18. I wish I was a bit more outgoing sometimes too but really I'm just a shy person :)

  19. Cool idea with the hash tag!!

  20. I'm pretty outgoing, but sometimes around people I don't know, I get really shy and intimidated. I've been working on just dropping the mask and being myself! Love your list!


All comments are welcome! I appreciate them so much! Thanks for tuning in and showing love! <3