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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What to do with a Heavy Heart

We have those times and days.

When our hearts feel heavy. 

Whether from our job, our relationship, a loss, major stress, etc.

It's hard. 

It's such a unique pain because it's not something that can be physically seen and often times something that is hidden.

The days still go by as usual, life still goes on.

But no matter what you do, there is some weight on your heart you can't shake. 

So when will it go? Is there any true ways to get rid of this besides letting time pass?

Well, every situation is different but there is one verse I always remember and whisper in prayer:

"Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

When I have moments when my weary heart comes as a wave during certain times of the day, I immediately turn to Jesus and pray a simple prayer that he take my burdens and give me rest. 

It's miraculous how fast the heaviness on my heart lightens.

That has been my little big secret weapon when my heart becomes heavy. The ability to rest in Jesus with all things and situations is such a gift. 

& something I have experienced is when I give Him my burdens and ask Him to take them from me, I can hear His voice a little bit louder, speaking promises and encouragement in my heart. 

He reminds me that I do not ever need to carry burdens and how focusing on Him and the good things (Philippians 4:8) will make any hard time conquerable. 

With Christ all things are possible. 

So a simple answer on getting rid  of burdens is simply repeating a prayer like this:

"Heavenly Father, you said in your word that I can come to you with my weary and burdened heart and spirit. I thank you, Lord, for that promise and that gift. I ask you right now Jesus to take my heavy heart and this burden and give me peace. I thank you for what you have done at the cross that I can truly be free in all ways. In Jesus name, Amen."

You are never alone during times of burden! If you are desiring more prayer, feel free to contact me and I would be happy to pray for you today. In fact, it would be a blessing. 

Love you all!


  1. Taking a short walk around the block with a good song always helps lighten my heavy heart <3 I'm glad praying brings you so much joy and happiness!

  2. Thank you so much for this! I definitely needed to hear that verse today.

  3. So good. Even on a good day I need this. I just took a Christian yoga class that worked out grudges today. I needed that too.

  4. This is a great post! Thank you for sharing!!

  5. Just what I needed today! :-)

  6. Such an excellent and timely reminder! Even though I "know" these things, how easily I forget them and catch myself in the anxiety trap. :/

  7. Beautiful encouragement (: Thank you for sharing!

  8. It's so true! Thank you for the reminder. Sometimes I wonder why I try to fix my heavy heart on my own before giving it to God.

  9. What an inspirational message and a great reminder that Jesus has it all covered for us!

  10. Yes, that is a very great scripture to remember in those times. Loved your prayer at the end :)

  11. I'm definitely feeling like this today. Thanks for the great post!


All comments are welcome! I appreciate them so much! Thanks for tuning in and showing love! <3