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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Let Your Light Shine Thursday Link Up!

It's that time again!!
Let Your Light Shine Thursday!
Heather and Aisha V met last year when she and her hubby just moved into our hometown. Heather's husband, Andrew, is the youth pastor at their church and they both have been a huge blessing to a lot of people ... we just love them! You can't help but smile and feel happiness when you are around Heather, she exudes so much love and joy which makes you fall in love with her instantly. Her heart for Christ is so deep it's infectious, AND she loves coffee and tea, so she's basically perfect ;) !
Please contact me or Aisha L. if you would like to be featured on #Herlightshines for our link ups!
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Today on the link up, please say hello to Heather! You can also go say hello to her personally by visiting her blog, Mrs. Andy Ross!  

1- Where are you from?

Cloquet, Minnesota! (near Duluth)

2- What is your blog about and what do you primarily talk about?

I’m a brand new blogger. My first few blogs have been about my relationship with Christ. Mostly what I’ve been learning as I’ve fallen more and more in love with Him and the Gospel. I also love to share photos and tips on decorating/DIY projects. I also have some of my photography on my blog.

3- Tell us a bit about yourself. What are some of your hobbies? What do you like to do outside of blogging?

I got married this summer and moved to the North Branch, MN area. I work as a Hospice Aide. I absolutely love my job as I have the privilege of traveling to my patients and being someone who gives them extra comfort and love at the end of their life. When I’m not working, I spend a lot of time with the youth group and others from our church. I love music and play violin on the worship team at our church. I come from a very big family (I’m the baby of 8 kids). Some of my favorite things are iced caramel lattes (especially when they are enjoyed alongside a friend), fresh air, bike rides, thrift store treasures, and chocolate cake is always a good idea.

4- How did you and Andrew meet?

It was my tenth grade year…his eleventh grade year. I was the new kid at youth group and he was the pastor’s kid. He was the tall athletic guy with blonde surfer hair and I was the teenage girl who was immediately infatuated with a boy named Andrew Ross. We started dating when he graduated high school, spent most of our relationship dating long distance, got engaged New Years Eve 2013, married July 18, 2014, and the rest is history.

5- What’s the most rewarding thing about being a youth pastor’s wife?

Youth are so passionate. They are so full of energy. It’s so rewarding to see them start to understand the Gospel. To understand the incredible love that Christ has for them! To see them become passionate about that! To see how that impacts their lives, their family’s lives, and their friend’s lives. It’s very rewarding to get to know them and hear from their hearts. The girls in our youth group have definitely stolen a piece of my heart and I feel so privileged to get to have that unique relationship with them. P.S. I also love being a youth pastor’s wife simply because it’s so humbling and inspiring to watch my husband care about the youth, desperately want them to know Christ, and pour out so much of his soul in helping them know Christ!  

6- What is the most challenging thing about being a youth pastor’s wife?

It is definitely a ministry. And as rewarding and awesome as ministry is, it can be very draining. Because Andrew and I care so much about these youth, it consumes much of our time and energy. For myself, it can be hard, in that, I work forty hours a week and then help with youth ministry on top of that. I think the emotional aspect of ministry is what can make you feel drained as well.

7- What is something unique about you that other’s may not know?

I absolutely love music and play multiple instruments but I have absolutely no sense of rhythm. Honestly. I faked it with all my music teachers when I was little, and then never learned how to keep a beat very well. It is so embarrassing. And that’s why I’m a HORRIBLE dancer! :)

8- How do you stay inspired?

I constantly have to remind myself that Christ satisfies. He is the all-satisfying, all-fulfilling One. When I feel drained, it is Him that I need to come to. By spending time with Him in His Word, I find refreshment (inspiration). Another really practical way I do this is through music. I spend a lot of time listening to songs that encourage me and point me to Christ and the Gospel. That’s definitely a huge way I stay inspired.

9- Give me three best and worst adjectives that best describe you?

(I asked my husband for help with these…here’s what he said) Three best: fun-loving, empathetic, and genuine. Three bad: worrier, un-athletic, and neat-freak

10- How do you let your light shine? (this could be anything really. From being intentional

about being kind, volunteering, helping your kids, etc …)

Letting your light shine is a life long learning process. One of the ways I’m striving to do this is through my job. I genuinely love my patients and desire for them to feel loved and comforted. I also try to do it in the every day…the mundane. Like being kind to the cashier who is really rude to you. Like complimenting someone, even a stranger, who seems to be having a hard day. But honestly, it comes down to living your life in such a way that it would be evident to others that Christ is the treasure. He calls us to put others before ourselves. That is when our lights shine best.  

Now go ahead and link up!

1. Link up your favorite post this week - It can be related to faith, fashion, food, family, or whatever else you would like to share that helped you shine your light from the week!
Don't worry if you don't have a blog to link up - just leave a comment with how you let your light shine this week!
2. Follow Rooted in Salt & Made with Zeal on Bloglovin, or any other social media outlet (FB, Twitter, Instagram, or GFC)
3. Link back by using the button above or your own link.
4. Visit other blogs and meet new blogger friends!
Each week we will be choosing our favorite posts to feature and share with you all! So link up for your chance to be featured!!
Let Your Light Shine Thursdays

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  1. Thanks for the link-up and for introducing us to some nice bloggers, Aisha. Pleasure being here. Happy Thursday!

  2. Loved this interview! Thanks for sharing!


  3. What a sweet, lovely couple! Thank you for hosting this link up! T.


All comments are welcome! I appreciate them so much! Thanks for tuning in and showing love! <3