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Friday, July 18, 2014

A Day Without Jesus..

Hey Everyone!

I hope everyone had a great week. I feel I have been somewhat disconnected from blogging the last couple weeks. Well I am going to change that! The last couple weeks have been really hard weeks for me. I seriously thought I may have a mental breakdown this week! Work is so busy and stressful, I feel I am getting to my limit!

But thank Jesus, He has been holding me together. I keep giving Him one thing after the other which puts my mind at ease and gives me rest I so much need! 

It's not always easy for me to give God stuff that is going on because I guess it's that feeling of needing to be in control of the situations- but as I have learned, feeling the need of having that control is not putting your faith in Jesus. (see here!)

That is why no matter what I am feeling, I know my life (and all the situations that come with it) is in good hands. I need only to be still. (see here!)

My sister sent this to me and it totally sums up what my life would be like without Jesus. Sometimes when I am talking to Him, I tell Him I can't imagine what my life would be like without Him because He is truly my light in each day! All the things I go through on a daily basis, I would not be able to conquer without Him. He is altogether lovely, all together worthy. And I am nothing without my Jesus.

Have a great weekend everyone!!


1 comment:

  1. This is a great reminder from your sister. Love this! Hope you have a restful weekend and you feel re-energized for the coming week. ~Cynthia | My Rose Colored Shades


All comments are welcome! I appreciate them so much! Thanks for tuning in and showing love! <3