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Thursday, June 5, 2014

OOTD//Richly Blessed // LYLS Thursday Link Up!

Happy Thursday Everyone!

Yes! The week is more than halfway over and the weekend plans are starting to build up! 

I hope everyone's week is going good :)

Sometimes, life gets so hectic that we can all get so caught up in the busy-ness, the negativity, and the never ending hustle. Sometimes, I wake up thinking about all the stuff I have to do that day instead of waking up being thankful I made it to see another day.
Bag: Michael Kors

I recently volunteered with some peers of mine and they brought up a website to check out that would show us what our rank is as far as wealth compared to the rest of the world. They said "I guarantee everyone in this room is in the top 2%". That floored me. I never would think of myself as the top 2% of the wealthiest people on Earth.

So I looked it up for myself.

I am in the top .25% of the wealthiest people on earth (based on income). I rank number 14 million something compared to 7 billion people.

 That is, to me, on the top of the list! I NEVER would have thought that- I know so many people that get paid wayyyyyy more than I do!

It put things into perspective how wealthy of a human being I am! Not just because I am in the top .2%, but because it put into perspective how much I complain about what I don't have! Oh I NEED this purse, I might be late on paying my phone bill, I don't want to eat leftovers for dinner.... there are people in this world who don't know where their next meal is coming from, who's never gotten a gift, and who's never used a phone! 

We get so caught up sometimes in the things we want or think we need, and we think we are struggling- but don't always see how richly blessed we truly are. We don't always want to look at what we have compared to the other 95% of the world.

Sunglasses: Target

I often hear people say they want more blessings- but what if we could change our attitude and perspective to say "I want to bless". How could that change the world? I truly believe it would help us have an attitude of gratitude and could change other people's lives.

I want to change people's lives- through Jesus. I cannot do it without Him.

I woke up a WEALTHY, blessed human being- not just because of my "rank" on a website, but because I have the One True King living in me. That is my ultimate blessing. That no matter what happens in my life, I know who I am going to be with eternally.

 I no longer want to live my life thinking of what I don't have, but what I do have. & how I can help increase God's body.

Jesus came on this Earth to give us life & I want to be a help and give more people life- a life more abundantly. Because that is what Jesus has done for me- and so many of us!

I am so thankful for everything I have- I am so thankful I am able to blog and tell my life story. It is truly a blessing.
Wedges: Target
Dress: Len Druskin
Earings: Gift
Watch: Michael Kors
Bracelet: Charming Charlie

Necklace: Borrowed, LOL.

If you are interested in seeing your ranking, visit

Let Your Light Shine Thursdays!

Thanks so much for all of you that linked up last week!
Me and Jena over at I'm Perfectly Human loved seeing all of your posts!

My favorite from last week's link-up was:

Cynthia from My Rose Colored Shades

She's a mother, a woman of faith, and a fashionista! This girl has it all and she looks good doing it all! Check out her blog for some fashion, faith, fitness, recipes.. the list goes on! :)

Thanks again for all of you who participated! Now it's time to link up again :)

1. Link up your favorite post this week - It can be related to faith, fashion, food, family, or whatever else you would like to share that helped you shine your light from the week!

Don't worry if you don't have a blog to link up - just leave a comment with how you let your light shine this week!

2. Follow I'm Perfectly Human & True Soul & Spirit on Bloglovin, or any other social media outlet (FB, Twitter, Instagram, or GFC)

3. Link back by using the button above or your own link.

4. Visit other blogs and meet new blogger friends!

Each week we will be choosing our favorite posts to feature and share with you all!

Let Your Light Shine Thursdays


  1. Gorgeous dress! Fits you so nicely!

  2. This is a good reminder of how abundantly blessed we are by Him in so many different ways. You are so right, if everyone lived life having the attitude of wanting to bless others, the world would be a better place. Thank you for sharing this. And thank you for featuring me! I didn't get to see this until now. What a nice surprise :-) Btw, gorgeous dress. Absolutely love the color.

  3. I love this post! I feel the same way, we get so caught up in what we think we 'need' or trying to compare what we have to what others around us have. It's like a rat race! It gets to be so annoying, there are times I wish I could hide the label on my bag because I almost feel ashamed that I even cared enough to buy it! Last summer when my husband and I were in the process of selling our house, I didn't buy anything for myself.all.summer.long! I wanted to make sure if something fell through I wouldn't feel guilty about silly things I purchased. Everything turned out fine, but I still felt so good about myself for enjoying what I had (which was plenty) and appreciating other things in life!

  4. It's gorgeous dress and it's fantastic on you too!



All comments are welcome! I appreciate them so much! Thanks for tuning in and showing love! <3