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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Be The Light/ LYLS Link Up!

Hey Everyone! 

We are once again one day closer to the weekend! What are your plans?

Last night I was able to do a 2 hour workout with a friend of mine. We did a walk with weights and some strength training as well. I love doing outdoor workouts because you get to exercise your body as well as enjoy the weather! 

One thing God has been teaching me this past week is about giving and being the light to His people

He showed me that so many of us get so caught up in our own little bubble of a world that we don't realize how blessed we are. Meaning, that- many of us think we are struggling because we may be late to pay a bill or that we wish we had nicer things but don't realize that many people wish they could have what we have. Most of us have a house, clean running water, food in the fridge, a cell phone to connect with loved ones, etc etc- and if we don't, we have organizations and assistance to help get us on our feet. There are people that have none of the above. 

Sometimes, the littlest things will get on my nerves- like someone touching me on the bus sitting next to me- I strongly dislike that! LOL but Jesus reminds me of this:

When I start counting my blessings, I realize how much I have- how blessed I am. Everything I have I thought were a given in life- but it really puts into perspective how to so many others its a luxury and abundant blessing. 

It's all about perspective.

It really puts into perspective how much I have to give. And how much of a light I can be to this world.

Jesus calls us to be lights in this dark world- but how can we if we are so focused on ourselves?

If we took the focus off ourselves and aimed it at others that need us, whether in our backyard or across the ocean, we would be showing people the love that Jesus shows us. It would give us the opportunity to practice one of Jesus' two commandments- To love one another as ourselves.

There are so many that live in darkness- that is one major reason why we need to strive at being lights to people. Because we may be the only light they encounter in a long time. It not only helps others, but it helps ourselves. It continues to help us realize how good God is to us, it helps us stay humble, and it helps us keep love at the top of our mind so no negativity can creep in. 

Love is truly the answer. If I was someone who had nothing to offer anyone, I would hope someone would have the heart and love towards me to help- and since we are called to love people as ourselves, then it is my duty to do that for others. 

The biggest reminder is that Jesus came to give us life, and all he wanted was love in return. He healed people, got people on their feet, brought people back to life, gave them wisdom and hope- and expected nothing but love in return. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for my Lord and Savior. So being able to be in a position to help people and be a light to people is an honor and a privilege

To give back little by little, my family and I are planning a volunteer day at Feed My Starving Children! What can you do? 

To see different options in the local area, go to or to see different volunteer and giving opportunities for those around you- far and wide :)

Be the Light and Let Your Light SO Shine! 

Something written at yoga one week :)

Today Is

Let Your Light Shine Thursdays!

Thanks so much for all of you that linked up last week!
Me and Jena loved seeing all of your posts!

Our favorite from last week's link-up was:

Ashley from Le Stylo Rouge

cc lake neon nights dress, dolce vita bow sandals, ashley from lsr, bauble bar signature necklace

Ashley is a midwest girl with an amazing smile and style to match!

Thanks again for all of you who participated! Now it's time to link up again :)

1. Link up your favorite post this week - It can be related to faith, fashion, food, family, or whatever else you would like to share that helped you shine your light from the week!

Don't worry if you don't have a blog to link up - just leave a comment with how you let your light shine this week!

2. Follow I'm Perfectly Human & True Soul & Spirit on Bloglovin, or any other social media outlet (FB, Twitter, Instagram, or GFC)

3. Link back by using the button above or your own link.

4. Visit other blogs and meet new blogger friends!

Each week we will be choosing our favorite posts to feature and share with you all!

Let Your Light Shine Thursdays


Follow me: Facebook || Instagram || Twitter || Pinterest || Bloglovin 

An InLinkz Link-up


  1. I love this post!! Thank you so much for this encouragement an inspiration!! God is so good and I try to let my light shine for him every chase I get.

    1. Thanks for showing love this week! He is truly SO good :)

  2. I love reading your positive messages!

  3. God is good, sometimes we get distracted by life and forget about him. Thanks for the inspirational message. <3 <3

    1. You're very welcome! Thanks for stopping by! :) :)

  4. love all the quotes :))

    stop by,


All comments are welcome! I appreciate them so much! Thanks for tuning in and showing love! <3