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Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday Fashion in the City// "Quick Guide" For Guidance

Happy Friday Everyone

Don't you love Fridays? I do! It's a day where you countdown the time for the weekend. 

Here at Target, Friday's are lively and relaxed. I love how everyone dresses casual and comes with a chipper mood, excited for their weekend plans. 

I am a HUGE fan of maxi dresses and denim jackets. Also, if you know me, I always wear gold jewelry. 

Today, I put them all together! 

I love working in the city. Seeing the sun rise against the buildings never gets old.. It's also so cool to see the world from an elevated level. I sometimes feel like a bird overlooking everything from the sky! 

But believe it or not, one of my favorite things about working downtown isn't because it's so alive all the time and everything is close by. Nope! It's actually the drive in! 

I take the bus into work and I love it because it allows me to have "me time"  before a busy day and unwind before I go home. 

I have a mini journal that I keep at all times for when I want to write down things that God is teaching me at any point of the day. I also use it as a "quick guide" for guidance. Basically what that means is I have a certain part in the book that I write down scriptures pertaining to different areas that I would like to improve on or be reminded of on a daily basis. 

For example, if I want to focus on fleeing from anger or fear, I have scriptures that correspond to those things. It helps me get into the Word and put my mind in the right place before my day starts. It also makes it so I always have a place to look when I need a quick pick me up or reminder. It has really helped me become more patient, loving and fearless. As the bible says:

"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God". (Romans 10:17)

Even little things like that can help you build your faith, keep the word and God's commandments in remembrance, and also just spend some time with God! Because He is One with His Word.

Right now, as a gift to my readers, I am giving out a 4 digital copy of scriptures pertaining to these different areas:

First Copy:
Having Faith
Being Perfect in Love
Asking and Receiving

Second Copy:
Being Loving
Being a Virtuous Woman
Fleeing from Anger
Being Patient

Third Copy:
God's Love For Us
Traits of Jesus
Resting in Christ

Fourth Copy:
Focusing on the Good Things
Do Not Be Anxious
God Supplying Your EVERY Need
You Can Have What You Say

Each Copy will have each topic with listed scriptures pertaining to the specific topic. You can take a photo of them for your phone, your computer, or print them out. Whatever you want. It is a way to have a centralized location to learn and be reminded of what GOD says! 

I am calling them each a "Quick Guide" for guidance!

Email me at if you would like me to send you a copy :)

Have a GREAT weekend! 

linking up with "Five on Friday" Linkup

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