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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Urge to Travel

Happy Hump Day Everyone!

I am actually at home sick today... no fun at all. But the perks of being sick is that I can relax and blog :)

It is officially Spring- & right now more than ever I have the urge to travel. Whenever I think about where I want to go, my mind immediately brings me back to my home away from home, Italy. 

I lived there for about 5 months during my study abroad term. I studied fashion and luxury companies and the Italian language while I was there. I wouldn't trade my time there for anything. It helped humble me, appreciate the like God has given me, and it also helped open my eyes to many things I was blind to before. It helped me love stronger, be more grateful, and grow into a much more mature woman. 

There is so much beauty and romance everywhere your eyes turn. From the ocean views to the old architecture.. it is so rich in history, culture and beauty. 

There are so many hidden treasures there.

I wanted to share with you a few pictures I captured during my time there. It helps me remember what I get to look forward to when I go back (next year! The countdown is on!).

On my balcony is Milan. ( I showed this picture in my last blog post, here)

A typical breakfast in Milan consisted of a Cappuccino and a chocolate filled pastry. Why doesn't the US have chocolate filled pastries like this??

So good. yum :)

I miss the fresh markets every Tuesday and Thursday. Fresh fruit, veggies, nuts, meats and fish all for soooo cheap!

I miss the detail in every piece of Architecture. This is in Florence.

I miss the views. Look at the beautiful mountains in the background!

One of the best moments.

I miss the gelato, of course! I love icecream... but gelato was heavenly :)

I miss the romance. The movies, music, plays, even keychains all focused on love and romance. Just like in the movies :)

The sunsets :)

I miss how easy it was to get a beautiful picture from anything.

Even if just a flower.

"Together Always"

Could you imagine living here??

I love sunsets.. And I got to see many sunsets like this one during my time there.

& you know I couldn't forget the pizza!

Overall, I miss everything. I miss taking the metro a few stops to get to the duomo and just sitting there enjoying the views and people watching. I cant wait to go back!

Where is your favorite place?

1 comment:

  1. And now I have the urge to travel ;) Anywhere on the beach is my favorite. We've been to Mexico several times and it NEVER gets old!


All comments are welcome! I appreciate them so much! Thanks for tuning in and showing love! <3