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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

40 Days Wrap Up// A Perfect Parent

Hey Loves!

First I want to say congrats to all the winners of the giveaway! It was so fun working with all of the bloggers and giving away some awesome things this Christmas. 

Congrats Again!

In other news..

My 40 Day Transformation Challenge is Complete!

While it wasn't the easiest thing to do, it was definitely worth it. 
For those who dont know what my 40 Days Transformation was, here is a recap:

A couple months ago, I felt God was telling me to take 40 days away from something that meant so much to me. He asked me to take away time from the "thing" I loved to make more time for Him. He told me during this time that chains I had that were holding me back would be broken, and that I would go through a major transformation during the time. He also said at the end there would be a breakthrough- something that I had been asking Him. 

I followed through with it and spend some quality time with Jesus over 40 days. I stayed away from the temptations that I felt God was asking me to stay away from and I tried to stay faithful in including Him in each part of my day. 

I didnt do it perfect, in fact I told God that I felt there were a lot of things I failed on. But even though I didnt do everything exactly perfect, Jesus still gave me the breakthrough I was looking for.

One morning, I woke up and as I was getting ready, I lifted my arms up and I could literally feel as though chains were breaking off that were holding my arms down before. I felt free! It was an amazing feeling I had never felt before. On top of that, many things were revealed to me and confirmed for me last week after the 40 Days were complete. I didnt know what to expect from God when he said that I would get a breakthrough, but He gave me the breakthrough I was waiting for. He really showed out!

The 40 days really transformed me. 
I look at things a lot differently. I am no longer set back on my mistakes, my past, or my daily troubles. 
If there was one thing God showed me most during this 40 days- it would be His love for me- for all of us.
 & how focusing on His love and His love alone has infinite benefits. I no longer worry about things to come because I immediately look to God. For I know He loves me beyond comprehension- & will do everything to protect me, provide for me, guide me, and deliver me through any and everything that comes. 

 & the thing He asked me to take time away from? That thing and everything that came with it consumed me so much before the 40 day fast. It often times took my attention in front of God and also would tempt me to not look to God because I felt hopeless. But now, I can honestly say God consumes me and the "thing" I took time away from- I feel so much more balanced with it. There is nothing I love more than my Father in heaven and now the "thing" has been put in its rightful place in my life. It still means a lot to me, but God means more. Above all else. & its so refreshing to feel complete.

He taught me so many things- things that are crucial to obey- that I would sometimes look over in the bible before- or not APPLY it in my life. & what a change it has made. I feel like a new person- inside and out. 

I thank God so much for the opportunity that He gave me and for choosing me as someone He wants in His army. I am so grateful for Him in every way- from who He is to what He has done to what He is going to do. He is truly a wonderful Father.

One thing He kept reminding me over the 40 days was this:

"Imagine your perfect parent---
how would they react to your mistakes? Or you disobeying them? How would they respond to your deepest secrets? How would they respond to your apologies? How would they respond to your accomplishments? How would they respond to your thanks?

I am MORE than your perfect parent. I love you more than your perfect parent- an infinite amount more. I love you more than you could ever imagine."

So when I get down or feel I did something wrong, I look to God and tell Him whats on my heart, repent if needed, and then I would imagine how my perfect parent would respond. & that helps me remember that God is better than any perfect parent I could imagine. & He forgives all of us- not to say there wont be consequences or He just lets us get away with things- but He knows what you need and what will help you learn and have a prosperous future with Him.

I hope this helps you when you feel down sometimes. & I hope this encourages your to seek a closer relationship with Him- because He wants one with you!!


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