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Thursday, November 14, 2013

40 days// New Winter Must Haves//Thankful Thursday

-Hello Loves-

Hope everyone is having a good week... I have been so tired this week- I wonder if its because my body is fatigued from working out ;)

[40 Day Transformation Update]:

So if you read a couple posts ago, I am doing what I decided to call a 40 day transformation. Long story short, I felt God was telling me to take 40 days away from something that meant a whole lot to me. He asked me to give it up to the altar and spend 40 days with Him- kind of fasting. I am now on my 14th day (2 weeks down, 4 to go!) and it has been such an experience. 

At first, I didn't really feel anything- just sadness really- because I was thinking about something I lost, not something I was gaining. But after praying about it and talking with God about it, He really helped me understand what this 40 days is really about. 

This past week He has been showing me a whole lot- mainly, how to just enjoy [Peace in His Presence] at all times ( kind of like the Jesus Calling devotional reads) as well as how to handle situations by turning to Him, not trying to control things myself ( people who know me know I have control issues lol).

Im learning about what He meant by Freedom! 

He has been helping me practice those things and it has been so great- it helps me see how much God is doing in every situation that comes up in my day. How seamless everything works out isn't by chance- and its cool to continually have the layers on my eyes peeled back to see what God really wants me to see.

I am learning so much patience- although its only been two weeks- my patience has really been tried. But with God's guidance on what to do- I have been able to deal with the situations the right way, rather than the way I feel like dealing with it at the moment (which I usually end up regretting).

When I first started this, I didnt know what God was doing- and I still dont understand fully, but I am excited for the ride.

I am so excited to see what the next 4 weeks brings- He says He has a lot more coming.. I cant help but to desire more and more from Him.

I am SO thankful for what He is doing in my life!!!! 

During this 40 days of transformation, I set some goals other goals up to help me transform- not only spiritually and mentally- but physically! 

As I mentioned last week, I have lost 3lbs doing T25! Now I am going to start a cleanse called Suero Viv! Its a 3 day cleanse that is completely organic that will get all the nasty stuff out of my body so I can continue this transformation free of junk in my body! Excited for that- I will give a review of it when I finish! (Im doing it this weekend).

I also got a couple new things this week that I am so excited for because it helps complete my winter must haves list! 

1] I got a new Woolen Wrap Coat (shown on model)
2] I got some new leather booties from Target 
3] New Lip Butter to keep my lips from getting chapped 
4] Kate Spade Earrings 
5]A new denim shirts
6] 4 different pairs of leggings and yoga pants
7] new tights for work

What do you think about my buys this week? What have you gotten to complete your winter collection??

Have a good Friday tomorrow everyone! 


Heres a tune that was something on my playlist today-- enjoy :)


  1. That is beautiful and a good idea to do for God. May god give you strength and blessings always. :) and congratulations on losing 3lbs! I wish you the best and hope all goes smoothly for you to your weight goal. And i love LOVE that winter outfit you bought. So pretty and comfortable.

    God bless ❤️

  2. I love this post and would love to share with my readers one day if u don't mind. :) i love the fact tht you're doing this through God .. it really shows that he's giving you strength & your faith in him is amazing. Keep up the good work.
    God bless! & r u following me on bloglovin? im not sure!
    Xx new follower!

    1. Yes, go ahead! Anything to spread the word of God. And if I'm not, I will!!

  3. Wow what an inspiring blog post!
    Thanks for visiting my blog through the Thankful Thursday links, I'm so glad I found you :)
    I could use some more women in my life that point me to Jesus and as it's a bit difficult to find them in real life, I'm always so excited when I find a fellow blogger that LOVES Jesus :)

    I'll be praying for your 40-day "fast", I'm sure God will take you even further than youre imagining right now. You can do this!

    Love, Evelien

    1. Thanks so much, girl! Let's follow eachother and grab eachothers buttons :-)

  4. Absolutely love that wrap coat!

    A Southern Drawl
    Also, feel free to check out my InPink Giveaway!

  5. Weight loss AND shopping!! Sounds like these are going well. I love those black boots and I love them with leggings.

  6. Can I just say that every time that you mentioned Christ, I not only smiled, but my heart did too. It's rare that you come across a blogger who exudes their love for Jesus!

    As I read your blog post, I laughed because I too am a control freak. That is actually something that I've asked God to help me with. Im so use to having everything planned out and knowing the next steps.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog :)


    1. Thanks for stopping by! Youre comment was so sweet! I love planning things- although most things never go as planned lol :)

  7. This is such an uplifting, beautiful post. I love that Thanksgiving and Christmas really make everyone sop and smell to roses and appreciate one another. =)

    xx Missy

  8. You are so refreshing! Beautiful post!


All comments are welcome! I appreciate them so much! Thanks for tuning in and showing love! <3