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Saturday, August 17, 2013

I am back!

Hey Everyone! It has been so long! I apologize for being gone so long but now I will be back with a new revamped blog! My "new" blog will still focus a lot on fashion, but it will also be about my journey and every day things that I (and I am sure everyone else) experience. 

So many things have happened in the last year and since the last time I posted on my blog. So many AWESOME things and then some not so awesome things. But one thing rings true: I have stayed thankful through all of it. From leaving college to starting a full time job, having to say goodbye to a dear friend, to so many other things in between- I am excited to share my story with you

From the last year, I would say the most exciting thing that has happened is that I have given my life to Jesus Christ. Last fall, many things were happening to me and with me that were just all around negative. From bad choices I had been making to bad things happening around me. I felt lost even if no one else knew it. It was around the Thanksgiving time frame that I felt God really pushing me to make changes. So, come January, I decided to start being more involved with my church and really search for a deeper relationship with my Creator. At the time of this, I didn't understand how the things I was doing would really effect my relationship with God. I thought going out and partying and drinking and doing whatever I wanted would still allow me to have a great relationship with Him. But as I learned more about it in the last year, I realize how obeying God is not only pleasing to Him, but its pleasing to me. As I was seeking a way to be closer to God in January, I doubted if He was there- because I had never had an eye- opening encounter with Him. 

It wasn't until mid January when I was praying late at night and asking God to truly show me His presence that He did! And I will tell you, it was the most overwhelming and joyful thing I had ever experienced. The feeling I had after lasted for a full week it felt like! And i was consumed by the Holy Spirit. Jesus had explained to me that I was so focused on what I wanted and comparing myself to others, that I wasn't allowing Him to be heard. But He always works in mysterious ways and found a way to reach me. I will forever be thankful for His faithfulness and true love for us. And that is when I gave my life to The Lord. And ever since, I have never lived so good. The negative things have turned into positive things, I have never been so happy and full of joy, and the good things just keep on coming! 

It is a journey, and I am still learning every day. I am no way near perfect, but I strive to be the best I can be for Him and everyone around me but the great thing is- He accepts us ALL for our imperfections and mistakes. Now that sounds like a relationship that I wouldn't want to miss out on! 

Other great things have happened this year, big and small. In May, I said hasta la vista to the University of Minnesota to start a full time job at Target Corporation HQ in downtown Minneapolis. I left the University of Minnesota with a degree in Retail Merchandising and Management and great, GREAT memories. I have now been at Target for two months and enjoying every moment of it. I am so thankful for having a job outside of college because with this economy, it causes many people to struggle finding a job. But Jesus is faithful and has blessed me with a job that I love in a field that I love. I am currently still training but I cannot wait to be in my role- hopefully in electronics where I have been and have come to love!

This past July, my family and I got to celebrate my nephew's first birthday! Its crazy how time flies. I feel like it was just yesterday that he was welcomed into the world. He has truly been a blessing to our whole family. Seeing him grow up is so exciting and how smart he is really blows my mind! He has made me excited for the time that I will be able to have kids (not for awhile!) because I never knew how much I could love a human being. I have so much fun with him and he truly brightens my day. Its SO hard not to spoil him and give him everything he wants because his smile alone melts my heart! LOL He is walking now and I cant wait to see him continue to grow and continue to make memories with our growing family :)

If you know even a little about me, you know I LOVE Beyonce. And in July, she came to minneapolis on her Mrs.CarterShow World Tour! It was so fun. She is such a great performer there was no dull moment that night. I went with my boyfriend's family and I also got to meet up with my best friends! It was an all around great night and we made many memories!

As I mentioned, there has been some lows in this year. Just a few weeks ago, my family and I had to say goodbye to our pup that we had for 12 years. Although we knew it would come eventually, you fall so in love with these animals that you wish that they would be around forever! It is amazing how a small four legged creature can add so much joy and fun into your life. She truly became like another person in our family and brought so many laughs I cant even begin to remember them all. I am thankful for the time I got to spend with her and for how much joy she brought to us. Although we miss her, we know her suffering is gone and we thank everyone for their best wishes!

In more recent news: although I am a full time working lady now, my mom has been kind enough to let me stay with her to save money and get on my feet. I am SO thankful for that because imagining paying $800 for rent makes my stomach clench! But not only has she let me stay in her house, but she has also allowed me to have our whole basement! Once I got the permission, I re- did the whole thing. I pulled out old carpet and put in new flooring, and bought all new furniture. I am still not finished with furnishing the other half, but the most important part is done: the living room. Before I did the remodel, the downstairs was more of a storage area for us. It was a huge room full of boxes. Well I cleaned it all out and here is my results:

What do you think??!

On other recent news, my boyfriend's family and I recently went to Chicago to go to six flags and go on a big shopping spree and this past weekend, I finally got to wear something I bought! My boyfriend and I went out to Benihana for a dinner for two and to celebrate him opening his own productions studio! I am SO proud of him! I knew there were blessings to come for him but Jesus really shows out! LOL I will be posting pics of his new production studio when he's finished (It looks GREAT!), so stay tuned for that! Here is my outfit for our date night:

I am wearing a beaded top ( Unfortunately I forgot where I got it :( ), Target Jeans, a pair of strapped sandals (got them in chicago!) and my favorite leather purse from Venice, Italy. Accessorized with gold accessories from Michael Kors, Charming Charlie, and Francesca's! What do you think? 

All in All, Life is good! So many good things happening in my life and the people around me. I will be posting throughout the weekend so stay tuned! Also, thanks for your loyalty and pushing me to continue to blog. Its so great to hear people ask me to continue blogging even when I havent for awhile. Your pushing has paid off! :P LOL Thanks again everyone! :) Leave comments and if you want to see more pictures, many of these pics come from my Instagram. My username is AishaLC :)

Have a great weekend!!



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