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Thursday, January 20, 2011

A perfect day in Milan

Everyone have different definitions of their perfect day. Today, was one of my many perfect days. Knowing its sunny outside with beautiful architecture around you when you open your window, and let the sign shine in. Went to school, enjoyed the walk home in perfect weather, and enjoyed relaxing all day enjoying more pasta, feta cheese, tea ( of course) and fried potatoes. yum. a day with nothing you have to do & no definite plans. Now, blasting music, having a few drinks and getting ready for a night out on the town. Does that sound like a great day or what!?!?! with a 3 day weekend, I am excited to relax, sleep in, and plan my trip to verona on saturday! Ciao!!! :) Pics will be posted soon

1 comment:

  1. Sounds so fun babe! Perfect weather? So jealous. it's like -20 here. Ugh.


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