Happy Friday Everyone!!
I hope everyone had a great week this week! Is everyone done Christmas shopping?
I am not! BUT- I have all next week off to help with that problem. I am looking forward to having some time off of work to relax, wind down, and enjoy my loved ones. I love having us all together.
As I reflect on this past year, I see so many awesome things that happened and also some trials that I went through. But through it all, I am so thankful and blessed to be alive, healthy, and safe.
I am calling this last year my year of adjustments. There were so many changes that happened in my life, big and small, that I had to adjust to. I am not typically a person that likes a whole lot of change- but I am thankful that God has helped me through each adjustment as they have come.
Certain things I have learned through this year of adjusting:
1] God Will Always Provide.
He really put me to the test this year when it came to trusting him. I had some time of worry with my job, I bought a house by myself at 23, I became financially independent from my parents, I moved away from certain friendships into new ones, my mom got married to a new guy and gained a new family, etc... A lot of things in different areas of my life changed. But through them all, I have learned, become wiser, built better relationships, and really built my relationship wit the Lord- which is the best thing that happened.
2] Forgiveness is a Choice.
Everyone has had a time in their life when they had to forgive someone. But I often hear it's easier said than done- and that's true. Certain things happened in different relationships that forgiveness was crucial to move forward. And one thing I focused on with my friends, family and loved ones is really forgive them and I am so glad I did because such good has come from it. I used to say I forgive them and still be mad (which I can still struggle with, don't get me wrong), but in these certain situations, when I made it a choice, it conquered all negative thoughts and allowed me to see them more for how God sees them.
3] Your Attitude Matters.
I could go on and on about how this applies to life. But in short, our attitudes matter with everything we do. My attitude right now is "can I change it? nope. So I am not going to let it bother me. I am just going to do better with Aisha."
What sort of things has this year brought you? Any major learnings?